As the years are passing, I haven’t time to make new movies, graphics nor demos, so here are listed really old works I have done for fun.
Some pictures related to computer graphics research group where I have been
Short movie, painterly style, using new CG tools to author the animation.
author and director: Mathilde Rallier du Baty sound and music: Pablo Cortina technical: David Vanderhaeghe, Nicolas Barroso, Marco Flores, Valentin Despiau-Pujo Funded by structures JCJC ANR-19-CE38-0009-01 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Il était une fois dans l’ouest de la savane
Short animation movie done for master 2 IVR project. You can find more details on the creation of this short in the report (in french)
When I program gpu, I sometimes render some strange, unintended, images.
I play bass guitar in a rock band called YEP, you can visit our web site at or on our myspace
I was a coder in the MDR demo group from 1997 to 2001, we are now retired, but you can find our production on Our old web page is not available since planet-d server crash.
Old Gfx I have done mostly during my “demoscene” years. Some are from fast compo (less than X hours) for #pixelfr, some are for demo media, some are just gfx compo. I have used Photoshop, Gimp, Aura, Painter …